Monday, July 8, 2019

What Is Yoga?

Yoga: What is YOGA? How does it work?

Yoga: What is YOGA?

The word ''Yoga'' is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj which means ""to yoke or join collectively"". some humans take this to intend a union of intellect and physique. Yoga-the science of health and physical well-being, of mental concentration, the Dhyana and calmness.

Yoga is a mind and body practice with ancient origins in old Indian philosophy. All physical elements of yoga are described and the methods and techniques of performing the various Asanas, Yogic Kriyas and Mudras explained with the help of photographs. Quite a lot of patterns of yoga mix bodily postures, respiratory techniques, and meditation or relaxation.

Yoga has become fashionable as a form of physical exercise situated upon asanas/ bodily poses to promote increased control of mind and body and to increase well- being. The word "yoga" is associates by and large with the benefits and exhibition of supernatural power, It is customary to look at yoga as curious ancient art.

Yoga is outlined as having eight branches or limbs: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara,  Dharana,Dhayana, Samadhi.

What is yoga? Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. In the 15th century in India, yogi Swatmarama introduces Hatha Yoga as a way of physical purification that the body practice for higher meditation. Hatha Yoga is a strong practice done for healing and purification.

Yoga is the systematic practice of physical exercise, breath control, relaxation, diet control, and positive thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body, mind, and environment. The practice entails low- impact physical activity, posture called asanas, breathing techniques called pranayama, relaxation, and meditation.

How it will work?  Yoga works on the level of one's body, mind, and energy. This has given rise to four broad classifications of yoga: KARMA YOGA where we utilize the body, JNANA YOGA where we utilize the mind, BHAKTI YOGA where we utilize the emotion and KRIYA YOGA where we utilize the energy.

Yoga is not a religion, it is a way of living that aims towards a healthy mind in a healthy body. Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being, yoga helps promote a balanced development of to live with greater awareness. Helps in attention, focus, and concentration. Medical professionals.

Celebrities are also adopting and recommending the regular practice of yoga due to its various benefits. Yoga asanas build strength, flexibility, and confidence. Regular practice of yoga can help lose weight, relieve stress, improve immunity and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Yoga exercises recharge the body with cosmic energy and facilities to the attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony, It promotes self-healing, removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body, enhances personal power, increases self-awareness, helps in attention, focus and concentration, especially important for children.

Morden yoga has evolved with a focus on exercise, strength, flexibility, and breathing. It can help boost physical and mental well-being. There are many styles of yoga, and no style is more authentic or superior to another.

Benefits of yoga:

  1. Improves your flexibility
  2. Built muscle strength
  3. Perfects your posture
  4. Prevents cartilage and joint breakdown
  5. Protects your spine
  6. Increase your blood flow
  7. Better your bone health
  8. Down with Diabetes
  9. Make you happier
  10. Control blood pressure
  11. Regulates your adrenal  glands
  12. Drains your lymph and boosts immunity
  13. Lower blood sugar
  14. Found a healthy lifestyle
  15. Relaxes your system
  16. Helps you focus
  17. Maintains your nervous system
  18. Increase your beauty
  19. Improves your balance
  20. Release tension in your limbs
  21. Helps you sleep deeper
  22. Gives your lungs room to breathe
  23. Boosts your immune system functionality
  24. Give3s you peace of mind
  25. Increase your self-esteem
  26. Pain reliever
  27. Gives you inner strength
  28. Help keep you drug-free
  29. Keeps allergies and viruses at bay
  30. Encourage your self-care
  31. Supports your connective tissue
  32. Stay sharp
  33. Keep your heart healthy
  34. Joint support
  35. Balancing act
  36. Cool inflammation
  37. Younger-looking DNA
  38. Guides your body's healing in your mind's eye
  39. Benefits your relationships
  40. Builds your awareness for transformation

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