Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Shoulder Stand

Shoulder Stand is known as the"Queen of Yoga Postures."
Shoulder Stand
Shoulder Stand

Its Hindi name is Sarvangasana. 

As it works on all parts of our body. Shoulder Stand has so many amazing benefits. It is a very refreshing posture which helps improve circulation., alertness and is great for the spin. Sarvangasana is great to relieve anxiety and stress as it improves lungs function.  When you are in shoulder stand, your blood around your lungs, oxygenating your blood which reduces the Aging process. The many benefits of shoulder stand cannot be ignored, as it is a complete pose, meaning that is supported in the function of the whole body. this posture has healing benefits and supports digestion and weight loss.

Benefits of Shoulder Stand:

  1. Balances hormones 
  2. Aides in restful sleep
  3. Acidity
  4. Anemia 
  5. Fatigue
  6. Appendicitis
  7. Bladder infection
  8. Low blood pressure
  9. Clear skin
  10. Detoxification
  11. Diarrhea
  12. Dizziness
  13. .Exhaustion
  14. facial beauty
  15. Fever
  16. Gastritis
  17. Hair Growth
  18. Worry
  19. Piles
  20. Influenza
  21. Irritable bowel syndrome
  22. Itching
  23. Jaundice
  24. Joint pain
  25. Kidney problems
  26. Menopause
  27. Increase height
  28. Mental problems
  29. Memory power
  30. Migraine
  31. Muscle strength
  32. Reduces wrinkle
  33. Thyroid problems
  34. Tonsils
  35. Urinary tract infection
  36. Varicose veins
  37. Combats the common cold
  38. Reduces constipation
  39. Soothes the nervous system
  40. Increase strength and flexibility
 Tips for beginnersIf you are doing this pose first time or you are a beginner, take a blanket and fold one or two thick blankets under your body and place your shoulder at the edge of the folded blankets. so that your head rests just off the blankets on the floor, and your shoulder and arms are on the blankets. All the weight should be in your shoulder, which is supported on the blankets. If you feel your alignment is not quite right, come down and do it again.

    How to do this pose:

    • Lie down on your neck on a mat or folded blankets, 
    • keeping your legs together,
    • Lift your legs toward the ceiling at an angle of 90 degrees
    • .Press your arms against the floor
    • Bend your elbows, hold your hands
    • Breath slowly, gaze softly into the chest, relax the facial muscle and make sure  there is no pressure or tension in the neck region
    • Stay in the position for a while, beginners can remain for 30 seconds and gradually increase it to 5 minutes
    • Lift them up taking the legs higher making a straightlineKeep your shoulder blades straight
    Cautions: Please do not practice Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana, if you have spondylosis, slipped disc, heart problems and had a neck injury. It is advised for those women who are pregnant, menstruating.

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