Sunday, July 14, 2019

Easy Yoga Poses

Easy Yoga Poses

Due to their lifestyle, most people have become irregular, for work and other reasons too. Almost everyone is worried, especially in the stomach disorder,  diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol. Most people have to sit for hours, due to their gain weight and become fatty. 
 Because of the business of the work, people are unable to pay attention to their bodies. They do not give time for exercise and not to get good food. Those who have an obese body, overcome all these diseases and to reduce body fat, exercise should be in your daily routine.
 If you also suffer the same problems then you can start to yoga. .Yes, yoga is an enemy of diseases. People who do yoga daily do not have any disease. Daily yoga practices lose weight and disease run away from there.
 Yoga poses make face and hair beautiful. Yoga poses usually do in the morning an empty stomach. We can not do so many exercises as daily, but there are some easy yoga poses, are Vajrasana, Baddha Konasana, paschimottanasana, Navasana, Virasana, sukhasana, Dandasana, Bhadrasana, etc that can do very easily. One of them, easy yoga pose is Vajrasana, I tell u about this which is the best way to keep your mind and body stress-free.


Name vajrasana comes from two Sanskrit words, Vajra, which means diamond and Asana is the Mudra. Vajrasana, also known as the diamond pose or Thunderbolt pose. Vajrasana is a common posture for the most breathing exercise. Vajrasana and its health benefits are numerous. It is a very easy yoga poses and very easy to do. Vajrasana is best known for doing meditation and breathing exercises peacefully. It makes you healthier and stronger if it has done regularly If you do not have time then you can do this yoga even after eating. Vajrasana is the only such posture which you can do immediately after eating food. If you do this yoga asana after eating, then it easily digested food.
 Let's find out more about this. 


How To Do Vajrasana:

  • All you need to do is place a yoga mat on the floor.
  • Kneel on the mat, and let the top surface of your feet touch the mat, such that your heels are pointing upwards.
  • Now gently place your buttocks on your heels. Put your palms on your knees as well.
  • Now keep your back and head straight in the meantime. Keep in mind that both of your knees should be interconnected during the period.
  •  Close your eyes and keep breathing in a normal manner.
  • While you are exhaling, it is said that all the diseases are coming out of your nose.
  • Repeat this easy yoga poses for 5 minutes and keep increasing the time limit as you get used to it.
  • This yoga can be done after eating at least 15 to 20 minutes.

Its Health Benefits:
  • Improve digestion
  • Eliminates constipation
  • Prevents ulcer and acidity
  • Strengthen the back
  • Ease out labor pains and also reduces menstrual cramps
  • Cures urinary problems
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Helps in the lungs disease
  • Boost memory 
  • Corrects posture and balance
  • Stretch strengthens the back, hip. groin, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles
  • Relieves leg pain
  • Corrects the position of all the internal organs
  • Helps in improving concentration
Some Precautions:

Don't do this yoga who have knees problems, patients of hemorrhoids, a joint related disorder, etc. If you have any physical problems then practice this pose only after talking to your doctor.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Breathing in Yoga : Breathing Technique

Breathing in yoga position

The first act of life is Breathing
 The last act of life is Breathing
Breathing in yoga
Breathing in yoga

One of the most common and basic processes of the human body, the act of breathing which remains covered under ignorance. Breath is the force that continues life. Conscious breath is the force that sustains awareness. Breathing influence the activities of each and every cell in the body and linked to the performance of the brain. It is said that human breathe about 15 times per minutes, and 21,600 times per day. These processes of breath are:
  • Puraka[Inhalation]: A single inhalation is called puraka. During this process, the air is taken in the lungs through the nose and mouth. This causes an increase in the volume of air in the lungs.
  • Abhyantara Kumbhaka[Pause after the inhalation]: Abhyantara kumbhaka is one of the four stages of the yogic breathing exercise known as pranayama. It is a mindful holding of the breath after inhalation.
  • Rechaka[The Exhalation]: The third stage, the exhalation, is called rechaka. Exhalation is the process of letting the air out from the lungs and carbon-di-oxide is pushed out.
  • Bahya Kumbhaka[Pause after the Exhalation]: The fourth stage, the pause after the exhalation, is also called kumbhaka. especially when the stoppage is deliberate or prolonged. This stage completes the cycle that ends when a new inhalation begins after the pause.
How to correctly breathing in yoga
The life activity depends fundamentally upon the vital air which called ''Prana''.In the practice of yoga,
 the breath is fundamental. The control of the breath is also known as Pranayama in Sanskrit. Pranayamas is a breathing technique which helps regulate the flow of breath, removing any block in the Nadis.
Most people breathe incorrectly. They use only the small part of their lungs capacity. As the breathing is shallow, it deprives the body of oxygen.
 Breathing exercises form the core of yogic practices. They aim to create harmony and balance within the body and at times detoxify the system as well. Irregular or incorrect breathing can harm the body in many ways. The physical movement of asana breaks this stiffness and makes us more flexible, which allows for the flow of energy through the entire body.
One can practice as many yoga poses as they like. But if they do not take a deep breath properly, the practice will not benefit the body. Focus breathing allows your body to let go of tension and instead spread a feeling of relaxation.
 Rhythmic, deep and slow respiration stimulates the mind and makes it stress-free. However, irregular breathing disrupts the rhythmic of the brain and leads to physical, emotional and mental blocks. This may often lead to inner conflicts, unbalanced personality, disorder lifestyle, and many diseases. Thereby, this is very essential to take breathing in yoga properly, as well as improving your overall health.

Shoulder Stand

Shoulder Stand is known as the"Queen of Yoga Postures."
Shoulder Stand
Shoulder Stand

Its Hindi name is Sarvangasana. 

As it works on all parts of our body. Shoulder Stand has so many amazing benefits. It is a very refreshing posture which helps improve circulation., alertness and is great for the spin. Sarvangasana is great to relieve anxiety and stress as it improves lungs function.  When you are in shoulder stand, your blood around your lungs, oxygenating your blood which reduces the Aging process. The many benefits of shoulder stand cannot be ignored, as it is a complete pose, meaning that is supported in the function of the whole body. this posture has healing benefits and supports digestion and weight loss.

Benefits of Shoulder Stand:

  1. Balances hormones 
  2. Aides in restful sleep
  3. Acidity
  4. Anemia 
  5. Fatigue
  6. Appendicitis
  7. Bladder infection
  8. Low blood pressure
  9. Clear skin
  10. Detoxification
  11. Diarrhea
  12. Dizziness
  13. .Exhaustion
  14. facial beauty
  15. Fever
  16. Gastritis
  17. Hair Growth
  18. Worry
  19. Piles
  20. Influenza
  21. Irritable bowel syndrome
  22. Itching
  23. Jaundice
  24. Joint pain
  25. Kidney problems
  26. Menopause
  27. Increase height
  28. Mental problems
  29. Memory power
  30. Migraine
  31. Muscle strength
  32. Reduces wrinkle
  33. Thyroid problems
  34. Tonsils
  35. Urinary tract infection
  36. Varicose veins
  37. Combats the common cold
  38. Reduces constipation
  39. Soothes the nervous system
  40. Increase strength and flexibility
 Tips for beginnersIf you are doing this pose first time or you are a beginner, take a blanket and fold one or two thick blankets under your body and place your shoulder at the edge of the folded blankets. so that your head rests just off the blankets on the floor, and your shoulder and arms are on the blankets. All the weight should be in your shoulder, which is supported on the blankets. If you feel your alignment is not quite right, come down and do it again.

    How to do this pose:

    • Lie down on your neck on a mat or folded blankets, 
    • keeping your legs together,
    • Lift your legs toward the ceiling at an angle of 90 degrees
    • .Press your arms against the floor
    • Bend your elbows, hold your hands
    • Breath slowly, gaze softly into the chest, relax the facial muscle and make sure  there is no pressure or tension in the neck region
    • Stay in the position for a while, beginners can remain for 30 seconds and gradually increase it to 5 minutes
    • Lift them up taking the legs higher making a straightlineKeep your shoulder blades straight
    Cautions: Please do not practice Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana, if you have spondylosis, slipped disc, heart problems and had a neck injury. It is advised for those women who are pregnant, menstruating.

    Monday, July 8, 2019

    What Is Yoga?

    Yoga: What is YOGA? How does it work?

    Yoga: What is YOGA?

    The word ''Yoga'' is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj which means ""to yoke or join collectively"". some humans take this to intend a union of intellect and physique. Yoga-the science of health and physical well-being, of mental concentration, the Dhyana and calmness.

    Yoga is a mind and body practice with ancient origins in old Indian philosophy. All physical elements of yoga are described and the methods and techniques of performing the various Asanas, Yogic Kriyas and Mudras explained with the help of photographs. Quite a lot of patterns of yoga mix bodily postures, respiratory techniques, and meditation or relaxation.

    Yoga has become fashionable as a form of physical exercise situated upon asanas/ bodily poses to promote increased control of mind and body and to increase well- being. The word "yoga" is associates by and large with the benefits and exhibition of supernatural power, It is customary to look at yoga as curious ancient art.

    Yoga is outlined as having eight branches or limbs: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara,  Dharana,Dhayana, Samadhi.

    What is yoga? Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. In the 15th century in India, yogi Swatmarama introduces Hatha Yoga as a way of physical purification that the body practice for higher meditation. Hatha Yoga is a strong practice done for healing and purification.

    Yoga is the systematic practice of physical exercise, breath control, relaxation, diet control, and positive thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body, mind, and environment. The practice entails low- impact physical activity, posture called asanas, breathing techniques called pranayama, relaxation, and meditation.

    How it will work?  Yoga works on the level of one's body, mind, and energy. This has given rise to four broad classifications of yoga: KARMA YOGA where we utilize the body, JNANA YOGA where we utilize the mind, BHAKTI YOGA where we utilize the emotion and KRIYA YOGA where we utilize the energy.

    Yoga is not a religion, it is a way of living that aims towards a healthy mind in a healthy body. Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being, yoga helps promote a balanced development of to live with greater awareness. Helps in attention, focus, and concentration. Medical professionals.

    Celebrities are also adopting and recommending the regular practice of yoga due to its various benefits. Yoga asanas build strength, flexibility, and confidence. Regular practice of yoga can help lose weight, relieve stress, improve immunity and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

    Yoga exercises recharge the body with cosmic energy and facilities to the attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony, It promotes self-healing, removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body, enhances personal power, increases self-awareness, helps in attention, focus and concentration, especially important for children.

    Morden yoga has evolved with a focus on exercise, strength, flexibility, and breathing. It can help boost physical and mental well-being. There are many styles of yoga, and no style is more authentic or superior to another.

    Benefits of yoga:

    1. Improves your flexibility
    2. Built muscle strength
    3. Perfects your posture
    4. Prevents cartilage and joint breakdown
    5. Protects your spine
    6. Increase your blood flow
    7. Better your bone health
    8. Down with Diabetes
    9. Make you happier
    10. Control blood pressure
    11. Regulates your adrenal  glands
    12. Drains your lymph and boosts immunity
    13. Lower blood sugar
    14. Found a healthy lifestyle
    15. Relaxes your system
    16. Helps you focus
    17. Maintains your nervous system
    18. Increase your beauty
    19. Improves your balance
    20. Release tension in your limbs
    21. Helps you sleep deeper
    22. Gives your lungs room to breathe
    23. Boosts your immune system functionality
    24. Give3s you peace of mind
    25. Increase your self-esteem
    26. Pain reliever
    27. Gives you inner strength
    28. Help keep you drug-free
    29. Keeps allergies and viruses at bay
    30. Encourage your self-care
    31. Supports your connective tissue
    32. Stay sharp
    33. Keep your heart healthy
    34. Joint support
    35. Balancing act
    36. Cool inflammation
    37. Younger-looking DNA
    38. Guides your body's healing in your mind's eye
    39. Benefits your relationships
    40. Builds your awareness for transformation

    Easy Yoga Poses

    Easy Yoga Poses Due to their lifestyle, most people have become irregular, for work and other reasons too. Almost everyone is worried,...